Progressive Suspension KLR650 front fork springs install tutorial

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Progressive Suspension KLR650 front fork springs install tutorial Tube. Duration : 4.93 Mins. Skeefoo recently bought a KLR650, and when he came for a visit we decided to install one of the extra sets of forks springs I received from Progressive Suspension. They are super easy to install, just take off the cap, pull the old spring and spacer out. Cut the spacer in half, and drop everything back down the hole. Do one side at a time and you won't even need to put the bike up on blocks. After testing out the difference between stock and the aftermarket springs we came to the conclusion that they feel very similar. Because a large portion of the aftermarket spring is exactly like the stock spring. The aftermarket spring begins to work it's magic when you are really hitting some heavy bumps, and compress the spring to that final bit which saves you from bottoming out. Upgrading the KLR's suspension is one of the first things people do to their bike. If your gonna spend a few months living out of your bike you should probably do everything you can to make it as comfortable as possible.


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